Archive for February, 2010

Find us on CityU Alumni Facebook

Friday, February 26th, 2010

The Alumni Relations Office has created an online community – “CityU Alumni” on Facebook.  With this popular platform, you can keep abreast of the latest information on alumni activities and CityU highlights – as well as network with your fellow classmates all over the world!  Join us now and get connected with your alma mater!

呂志宏 (Robert)
工商管理榮譽學士(金融) 2000



Robert甫畢業即獲國際知名的德勤.關黃陳方會計師行(Deloitte)羅致,其後一直在同一間公司發展,現今已是高級經理(審計)。在很多人看來,Robert算是平步青雲。那麼,Robert 有什麼職場經驗可以和大家分享呢?Robert 道:「我認為時間管理和優先次序非常重要。無論工作或是處世,思想需要保持正面,積極投入,享受箇中樂趣,才能事半功倍。從事審計工作出差頻繁,加班加點更是家常便飯,可謂少點魄力也不成。但我卻視之為學習機會,讓我可以在短時間內接觸到不同企業的運作及產業特性,開闊專業眼界,增廣見聞,十分充實。」儘管工作馬不停蹄,但Robert 的生活甚有規律,尤其是對做運動更是持之以恆,風雨無間。「即使多忙,我也會在周末返回中學母校和其他校友踢足球,減壓之餘,又可培養感情。」

Robert 喜歡扶掖後輩,藉以回饋社會。他在公司參加了德勤學友會(Deloitte Club),幫助各大院校的莘莘學子更深入的瞭解審計和會計工作,為職業選擇提供了充足的技能及實踐儲備。作為前輩,他寄語城大的同學應為未來的職涯及早裝備自己。「經過艱辛的高考進入大學,大部份同學開始鬆懈,在一年級時盡情投入各種活動和嗜好中,而疏忽學業及對將來求職的準備。然而,很多知名的國際大企業早於每年九月開始進行大型的校園招聘活動,應屆畢業生若想在最後一年才發奮圖強急起直追,可能為時已晚,因為申請職位時需要呈報一、二年級的成績。 相反,有些同學利用一、二年級暑期到相關的國企當實習汲取工作經驗,從而了解自己的就業方向,豐富了自己的履歷表。」他認為城大同學的眼光可以放遠一點,未雨綢繆,增加競爭優勢,才能在職場搶奪先機。

The inauguration ceremony of the Second Standing Committee (SC) of CityU Convocation was successfully held on 9 February, with participants from the CityU community including alumni, students and staff. Headed by Chairman Ms Karmen Chan, SC members pledged their dedication to cohering the alumni in support of the University development and serving the community with sincerity, integrity and commitment. They were grateful to the support rendered by University community members including alumni. Alumni leaders from the SC and 13 alumni associations also joined hands to show their devotion to their Alma Mater through a campus-view puzzle outlining a well-supported goal to “Uniting alumni to support University development”. To retrieve the memorable moments of the ceremony, please see the news reported by CityU NewsCentre and the photo gallery and video of the event.

Let’s support Earth Hour 2010 (27 March)

Friday, February 26th, 2010

In response to the campaign “Earth Hour 2010” organized by World Wild Fund (WWF) Hong Kong, CityU has pledged to support this event to demonstrate our united effort to combat climate change. The Earth Hour 2010 is a worldwide event to demonstrate our united effort to combat climate change. It will be held on 27 March 2010 (Saturday) from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm. The Campus Development and Facilities Office of the University will turn off lights at building facades and some communal areas on campus for one hour that night.

We would also like to invite you, as members of CityU community, to participate in this meaningful event in your workplace or at home too at the designated hour that night.

Flip through the annual alumni magazine online

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

We are pleased to present you a dynamic flip version of our online annual magazine, City AlumNet 2010. This record of key happenings in 2009 includes articles on green developments featuring interviews with the Dean of the School of Energy and Environment and our alumni in the environmental protection field.  In addition, there is a rich record of the 25th Anniversary celebrations, recognition of the gracious support provided by our Alumni Ambassadors, as well as some great stories about our widespread community of alumni. If you haven’t tuned in yet, go here!

Global Business and Change Management

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

The Department of Management is inviting applications for MA in Global Business Management (MAGBM) and MSc in Organisational and Change Management (MSOCM).

MAGBM is a specialist master’s course to equip students with skills and insights needed to smoothly conduct business across political, economic, and cultural spectrums.

 MSOCM is designed to help managers enhance their ability to achieve their business objectives by providing the knowledge and skills needed to develop, retain, and manage subordinates.

EF offers scholarships for top candidates

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

Outstanding candidates taking the following courses could qualify for a scholarship. MSc in Finance and MSc in Financial Engineering are specifically designed for mid-career professionals to update their professional knowledge and acquire the skill sets that are invaluable to the industry. More/Apply.
MSc in Applied Economics provides a rigorous training in economic analysis and empirical methods for those who plan to pursue a career in economic related fields or target to contribute to applied research in economics. More/Apply.

IS offers Accredited Master Programmes

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2010

Information technology and business professionals seeking to acquire vital e-business knowledge are invited to apply for this tailor-made course for an MSc in Electronic Business and Knowledge Management (MScEBKM).

Non-IS graduates wanting to study modern information systems technology, application and management are invited to take the course for an  MSc in Business Information Systems (MScBIS). Current year non-IS university graduates are welcome to apply.
MSc in Information Systems Management (MScISM) targets IS/IT professionals who are interested in advancing their careers in IS/IT management. Online registration available for all courses.

The College of Humanities and Social Science (CHASS) Think Tank on Undergraduate Development, a group of student leaders from various departments of the CHASS, is holding its annual dinner on Friday 19 March and is looking for a big alumni turnout.

The event will be staged from 7-10pm in the City Top Restaurant on campus, and will include welcoming remarks, dinner, game, speeches by alumni and lucky draw. Participation fee for CHASS alumni is HK$120 per person. Check details or for enquiry or to buy tickets, please contact Ms Virginia Chan at 3442 4835 or email

Alumni are cordially invited to join our staff and student members to participate in the CityU Badminton & Table-Tennis Tournaments 2010 scheduled for 22 March – 17 April.  Alumni events will be held on 10 and 17 April (Saturdays).  Please check out application and related details  here.  For enquiries, please contact Ms Wendy Yuen of the Human Resources Office at 3442 9432.


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