Archive for July, 2010

More than 50 alumni experienced a unique coffee journey at a special coffee-tasting activity organised by MSAA on 26 June. Share their coffee moment!

Mark your diary for 12 December when CityU stages its first-ever Homecoming Gala. We hope you will join us to experience all the fun that awaits you back on campus!

More details will follow in the coming months regarding specific events that are planned as part of the homecoming festivities. Stay tuned!

鄺世傑 漫話漫畫

Friday, July 30th, 2010


BA Creative Media 2007

一年一度暑期最囑目的盛事——一連5日的「香港動漫電玩節」由今日(7月30日)起揭幕,漫畫迷當然不容錯過。說起港漫,無人不知上官小寶和鄺世傑(Jacky)是一對父子兵。所謂「虎父無犬子」, Jacky不愧為一代巨匠之後,早已獨當一面,成為另一畫壇奇葩,現為鄺氏漫畫有限公司的董事總經理。Jacky 在澳洲完成學業,回港工作時正值港漫的全盛期,那時漫畫成行成市。90年代末的《拳皇》系列廣受歡迎,令他聲名大噪,然而他最滿意的作品卻非《拳皇》:「畢竟《拳皇》不是我自創的,也因此受到諸般制肘。即使銷情如何理想,也礙於版權問題而要停刊,令努力經營的心血結晶不能延續下去。反而我比較喜歡自家原創的作品,如《首都高速》等。」

工作了幾年後,Jacky 很想自我增值,毅然到城大創意媒體系深造:「雖然我自小在漫畫界打滾,但一開始就作畫,沒有接受正統的創作系統訓練。創意媒體系的教學深入淺出,教會我怎樣由零開始全創作並有系統地說故事。」說起城大的日子,他回味再三:「工作了一段日子重返校園,反而令我獲益更多。我雖是大齡學生,但與同學相處融洽。我尤其喜歡在上課時聽同學發表意見,因為他們的意念都很新鮮,極具啟發性。當年我也有住宿舍,一邊讀書汲取養分,一邊繼續創作漫畫,非常充實。」Jacky 覺得城大的教育對他影響深遠:「以前我也考慮過轉行,但讀畢創意媒體課程後,更確定自己的事業方向,認定漫畫創作為自己的終身職業。」


在法國漫畫被視為第九藝術,受到高度尊崇;日本的漫畫發展欣欣向榮,市場佔有率龐大。反觀香港的漫畫業,就瞠乎其後。對此,Jacky 有他的一番見解:「香港的漫畫素來都被視為次文化,加上互聯網非法下載漫畫的衝擊,市場日漸萎縮。近年本地漫畫業不景氣,主要因為青黃不接、人才凋零。當漫畫從業員要有一份熱誠和不屈不撓的毅力,因為初入職時待遇較低,但工作量大且時間長。很多嚮往成為漫畫家的人,往往在五年之內因經濟壓力而轉行。其實漫畫家沒有一夜成名的,總是『台上一分鐘,台下十年功』,一切從基本功開始,往往千錘百鍊,才畫出名堂。以我為例,也是由內文開始做起,直至畫功練達圓熟,才有主筆找我設計封面。」

「漫畫是創作,總希望在有限的時間做到最好。像出版《車神》之前,我就連續五晚沒睡過。」除了打理漫畫創作的業務, Jacky 也在另一所大學執教鞭,致力培育後進。「其實是教學相長,年輕人有很多想法,與他們相處,可以增強自己的潮流觸覺。」他續道:「另外,在教學時要將理論不停覆述,變相提醒自己,在創作時不要自打嘴巴。」


Jacky 奉勸大家要學懂把握機會:「機會是稍縱即逝,錯過了,可能要待十年才有相同的機遇,甚至是可一不可再。」他又謂:「世上沒有不勞而獲的事,也不會一躇而就。成功歷程決非一朝一夕,但假如你肯默默耕耘,努力不懈,終會有所收成。」

Jacky 在漫畫界多年,看盡業界變遷:「從前我們的漫畫期刊設有專欄回應讀書來信。時而世易,今時今日的電子數位時代,他們都喜歡在facebook 留言討論劇情。」

What is more memorable than to see our fellow alumni return home to CityU with their families and friends which has contributed to the great success of the “Alumni Summer Camp” at the Students Hostel on 17 and 18 July 2010? We are so impressed to see their happy faces during the Kids’ Workshops, hostel tour, “Big Bowl Feast” (盆菜宴), etc. What’s more? We also co-organised the ‘Reunion for Ex-SU Leaders” with the Alumni Relations Office and Students’ Union on 17 July 2010, which was a meaningful get-together with our former leaders of Students’ Union. Here we would like to reminisce the fantastic moments of the two events with those who joined us and those who unfortunately missed them.
For more sharing of the two events, please check out the Convocation homepage HERE.

Over 100 alumni and their family members enjoy the unique hostel life at Alumni Summer Camp.

Standing Committee members and fellow alumni get together to exchange mutual updates during the Big Bowl Feast (盆菜宴), a signature Hakka cuisine.

Alumni treasure the opportunity to bring their children back to alma mater for a relaxing weekend.

Former leaders of the Students’ Union enjoy the fun-filled game session designed by the Standing Committee during the “Reunion for Ex-SU Leaders”.

What is Convocation?

The University Convocation, which comprises all graduates of the University, is a statutory body formed in accordance with the University Ordinance (Statute 10) aiming to strengthen and promote the relationships among members of the Convocation, between the Convocation and the University, and between the University and the general public. It works towards promoting the objectives and activities of the University.

The Chairman and Standing Committee members of the Convocation are elected by and from the members of the Convocation.

Please contact us through the Convocation Secretariat with contacts as follows:

Exclusive offers for CityU alumni

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

  • 20% discount on Mediterranean Sea Cruise Packages (地中海陸上遊輪假期) from Regal Airport Hotel
  • Save up to HK$200 on Lotus Tour travel packages to Australia, Japan, Singapore and other hot travel destinations!
  • Enjoy 20% discount on tickets to City Contemporary Dance Company’s Love, Accidentally (城市當代舞蹈團《紫‧釵‧緣》)!

Link up with Shanghai Liaison Ambassadors

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

If you are based in the Shanghai region, and especially if you are newly arrived, please contact our enthusiastic Alumni Liaison Ambassadors who are happy to make friends with you and offer friendly advice.

Students build affinity with alumni

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

Student callers of Telephone Affinity Campaign 2010

The Telephone Affinity Campaign is proving a big success with students, who find their calls to alumni a fun as well as valuable experience. “I was deeply impressed by the enthusiastic support from our fellow alumni,” says Neville Ng. “I spent over an hour sharing the latest developments in CityU with an alumnus, while she was so patient to provide career advice for me.” Fellow student caller Jeffrey Chung has similar sentiments, saying he cherished every chat with alumni because they came from all walks of life.

The current six-week campaign closes on 10 August. Please be prepared to welcome a caring call from one of our students and exchange your vision of CityU in your own generation.

Neville enjoy calling and sharing with alumni.

Students make new friends in the Campaign.

Have you signed up for this fantastic get-together reunion yet? If not, please do so by 16 August. Details of the dinner are recapped as follows:

Date: 28 August (Saturday)
Time: 6:15pm – 9:30pm (Cocktails from 6:15pm to 7:00pm)
Venue: Intercontinental Shenzhen
Language: Mandarin
No. of participants: 100 (first-come, first-served)
Dinner fee: RMB300
More details can be found at ARO website. Register now!


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