Archive for January, 2011

Let Us Know What You Think of the New Look!

Monday, January 31st, 2011

To usher in the Year of the Rabbit, the Alumni Relations Office has refreshed this e-newsletter with a new look. As always, your feedback is important in our drive for enhancement. To help us better understand you and your views, please take a moment to fill in this online questionnaire. Then we can be sure of better connecting with you through this monthly bridge!

Don’t miss the chance to meet with Professor Way Kuo, President of CityU and University Distinguished Professor at “A Dialogue with the President” being held in the evening of 17 February. At the event co-hosted by the Alumni Relations Office and the Convocation, the President will share recent developments, achievements, opportunities and challenges of the University in this fast-changing society. Click here for more details and registration.

More than 20 IS mentors turned out to inaugurate the 2010-2011 IS Alumni Mentorship Programme (ISAMP) at Lecture Theatre 1 on 17 January. They will be offering guidance to nearly 100 students whom they got to know at the launch ceremony also attended by departmental staff. After an encouraging speech given by Dr Choon Ling SIA, the IS Department Associate Head, the new ISAMP executive committee was inaugurated. Alumni mentors were also presented with service award in acknowledgement of their contribution.

Some enthusiastic alumni from Hong Kong and Shenzhen also attended this auspicious occasion to share the achievement and get the most recent University updates. They all commended highly the design of the new building as a new landmark of the University in Shenzhen. Read the University’s report here and view the photo gallery.

Alumni from various fields including custom service, banking, public relations and marketing shared their work experiences and interview tips with 30 students of the Department of Marketing on a career development field trip held at Pak Tam Chung Holiday Camp Site from 7 to 9 January. The students found the experience useful and inspiring. Read the post-event review by a participant HERE.




『人的一生需要沉澱和積累!』談到事業,秦禕說,『有些人一夜暴富,有機會忽視了沉澱和激勵。』厚積而薄發,是秦禕對事業,對人生的總結。而在城大讀MBA所學,對她影響深遠。當時,秦禕了解到城大的MBA課程在亞太地區水平很高,便前去報名。 『香港的教授對我一輩子影響都很大,我能感受他們對事業,對生活的投入!』她說,香港的教授眼界開闊,並有企業的經驗。豐富的閱歷使人睿智,而人生態度亦非常積極。 『他們教授時傾囊而出,對世間所有事情抱有興趣,這是我所欣賞的!』 秦禕說道:『香港人很努力很專業,而教授又是香港人中的精英!』秦禕回憶起最後一次在香港做項目,教授和學生一起夜以繼日,非常嚴謹投入。而她決心立業,便是受到教授的感染。

回望在城大的經歷,秦禕說自己生逢吉時。幸運地在城大讀MBA,而入學MBA之後,又很幸運地得到同學的幫助。她很珍惜在城大學習時所得到的友誼。 『我的運氣好,遇到了這麼多的朋友。MBA的同學在秦禕創業之時給予了她極大幫助。即使畢業後,大家在世界各地奔波,也依舊保持著聯繫!

秦禕這一路走來,人生經歷頗為豐富。秦禕覺得,人的一生是努力的過程,付出多少,就會有多少回報。 『結果是後人蓋棺定論。而人生的一輩子都是求索的過程。』 『路漫漫其修遠兮,吾將上下而求索。』秦禕且將這句屈原名句贈與城大校友,是為共勉!

The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and Hong Kong Advanced Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Studies have pleasure in inviting you to

26 January to 13 February 2011
8:30 am – 11:00 pm, daily

Seminar on Art Appreciation: 3 – 4 pm, 27 January 2011 (Thursday)

Where the Light Lies
Mike Knowles & Veronica Knowles Painting Exhibition

Run Run Shaw Library

All are welcome!

RSVP & Enquiries: 3442 4835 /
A confirmation slip is obtainable through online registration.
Presentation of the confirmation slip is required for entry.

Convocation News

Friday, January 28th, 2011

Join the interactive sharing with the President (17 Feb)

To keep alumni abreast of the University developments, Standing Committee of the Convocation is glad to co-organise “A Dialogue with the President” with ARO. In this interactive sharing session, you can get updates of our alma mater from University President Professor Way Kuo. It’s also a chance for you to share your views . Register now! We look forward to meeting you!

Alumni keen to show their social responsibility (12 Feb)

We are delighted to learn that the recruitment for the Social Responsibility Day to be held on 12 February was well received. Our alumni will join forces with other University members including Council members, staff and students for a day of eco-friendly activities at Ma Wan in this large-scale University event. See you soon!

Convocation sends Chinese New Year greetings
It’s time to farewell the Year of the Tiger. The Convocation wishes you and your family a prosperous Year of the Rabbit full of peace, good health and fulfillment!

What is Convocation?

The University Convocation, which comprises all graduates of the University, is a statutory body formed in accordance with the University Ordinance (Statute 10) aiming to strengthen and promote the relationships among members of the Convocation, between the Convocation and the University, and between the University and the general public. It works towards promoting the objectives and activities of the University.

The Chairman and Standing Committee members of the Convocation are elected by and from the members of the Convocation.

Please contact us through the Convocation Secretariat with contacts as follows:



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