Archive for February, 2011

Over 170 Alumni Reunite at Alumni Dinner and Celebrate the Shanghai Liaison Office Opening

The “Shanghai Liaison Office Opening Ceremony cum Alumni Reunion” held on 26 February 2011 marked a milestone of the development of the University and an event to remember. 250 participants gathered together that evening and among which, over 170 were CityU alumni. Here goes the full report.

Learn What It Takes to be a Successful Leader

Monday, February 28th, 2011

Eminence, vision and career achievement are some of the key attributes of distinguished leaders. But what other qualities and virtues does it take to achieve the charisma of a true leader?

Find out on 24 March at the “CityU Alumni Forum – Leader Charisma: From Career Success to Personal Fulfilment” 《領袖風範︰從事業成就到豐盛人生》 where Ms Mary Cheung (張瑪莉小姐) and Professor Dennis Lam Shun-chiu (林順潮教授) will reveal the secrets of how successful leaders achieve excellence in their careers while pursuing a fulfilling life away from work. Seats are limited, so please register here without delay.

City AlumNet 2011, your annual report tracing University progress and alumni activities and news, is now available online. This issue’s cover story explores the University’s growing links with the Mainland, and includes interviews with Professor Roderick Wong Sue-cheun, Vice-President (Development and External Relations) and local alumni who have taken up employment within China and their Mainland counterparts who are now working in Hong Kong.  And you’re sure to enjoy reading the views of our post-80s alumni who strive to realise their dreams and make a difference.

In addition, we have introduced a “share” function that enables you to indicate your preference by clicking the “like” button and sharing articles from the magazine with your friends via Facebook. If you haven’t tuned in yet, go here!

International Studies’ Path to Success organised by Asian and International Studies Alumni Association

Date: 11 March 2011

Time: 7:30-9:20pm

Location: CY-311, CityU


  • Career seminar on the finance industry
  • Speakers are famous analysts in the global investment industry and the financial industry in Hong Kong

Register here.


More than 60 alumni took part in “A Dialogue with the President” on the Yuan Xiao Festival. The gathering was a platform for lively discussion after Professor Way Kuo, President and University Distinguished Professor, shared his insights on CityU’s recent developments, achievements, opportunities and challenges.  Also joining the event were Professor Roderick Wong, Vice-President (Development and External Relations), Professor Arthur Ellis, Provost, and Ms Kathy Chan, Associate Vice-President (Alumni Relations). Professor Wong and Professor Ellis also shared their insights on Mainland initiatives and the new 3-3-4 academic structure respectively. View the photo gallery here.

The Engineering Doctorate Society invites you to join their Chinese Tea Culture Conference on 16 April.  Here you can learn about the history of Chinese tea culture and how the tea habit is beneficial to health.  And business folk can discover how Chinese tea theory applied to commercial practices can increase work productivity!  For more details and registration, please click here.

Convocation News

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

Social Responsibility Day puts fun into going green (12 Feb)

Convocation is committed to contributing and protecting the environment, and building a green alumni community is one of our initiatives. A group of alumni including Convocation Vice-Chairman Joe Lee joined more than 200 University students, staff and Council members along with children from a social welfare organisation for an array of eco-friendly activities on Social Responsibility Day. The event, under the theme “People and Planet”, was held on 12 February in Ma Wan. Participants had fun learning how to identify parasitic weeds as well as visiting historical sites in Ma Wan and touring the Noah’s Ark theme park. To check out the action, read the University report and view the photo gallery.

President inspires at Yuan Xiao Festival (17 Feb)

Alumni had an inspiring gathering with University President Professor Way Kuo on the festive evening of 17 February. Convocation Chairman Karmen Chan set the scene with a fun-filled riddle game before the President shared on the latest campus developments, including the Creative Media Centre, the strategic development of the University as a professional school, and the academic management team. Convocation thanks the alumni participants for their enthusiastic inputs which made the event such a success.  View the photo gallery here.

Convocation hails valiant marathon runners (20 Feb)
Convocation Vice-Chairmen Louis Kwok and Anthony Ng, and Standing Committee members joined hands with University volunteers in cheering the 760-strong CityU team comprising alumni, students, staff and dependants on the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon on 20 February. We are extremely proud of their commitment and dedication which showcase the can-do spirit of CityU! View the University report here.

What is Convocation?

The University Convocation, which comprises all graduates of the University, is a statutory body formed in accordance with the University Ordinance (Statute 10) aiming to strengthen and promote the relationships among members of the Convocation, between the Convocation and the University, and between the University and the general public. It works towards promoting the objectives and activities of the University.

The Chairman and Standing Committee members of the Convocation are elected by and from the members of the Convocation.

Please contact us through the Convocation Secretariat with contacts as follows:



Thursday, February 24th, 2011

唐梓樑 (William),於2002年城大國際會計學文學碩士畢業,現任職大洋有限公司財務總監,執掌公司的財政命脈。多年以來,潛心工作的同時,William也孜孜不倦地求學。在本科會計畢業後,William全心投入審計工作。但是他很快便發現會計專業知識遠不能滿足工作需要,亟需補充更多知識,便申請入學城大。在短短四年內他先後獲得了工商管理學深造證書 (PgC in Business Administration),管理學深造文憑 (PgD in Management Studies)和工商管理學碩士學位(MBA),而後又修讀國際會計學。如今,他任職的大洋公司已在內地投資建廠,在上海,大連,北京,長春等地均有資產投入,員工已然超過兩千人。

William回憶起城大的生活,他感慨道,城大這間學校,幾乎扭轉了他的整個人生軌跡。在入學之前,William性格比較內向,他坦誠地說,是在城大的求學經歷讓他變得更善於和人溝通。William回憶起第一次在城大做口頭報告(presentation)的時候,緊張得腳發抖。但是他直面自己弱項,慢慢克服。現在面對訪談,William條理分明,侃侃而談,絲毫無當年的模樣。 『業精於勤、荒於嬉。』則更是他的座右銘。William的勤奮,令現在的年輕學生不可望其項背。當年入讀城大時,William已經成家立業,但是他犧牲家庭生活,週末和周日依舊在圖書館奮力專注學習。而他工商管理學碩士學位的畢業項目(project),是和獨立公司合作完成的。他的勤奮,得到公司的認可,畢業項目的成績得到A級佳績。今時今日,William依舊持有城大圖書館卡,而當年他在城大讀書之時,在圖書館念過經手的書,不少於一百本。William可謂是『活到老,學到老』的典範。回想起來,對那段時光,他問心無愧。William也很感謝城大給他學習的機會:『這是我和城大的緣份。』


Are you a permanent resident of Hong Kong or Macao?  If so, you could be eligible for a Chevening Scholarship, an opportunity to develop your academic and professional skills at major British universities and institutions. The scheme is managed by the British Council in Hong Kong on behalf of the British Consulate-General. An advisory board of distinguished local figures lends practical and policy support.

Shortlisting Result of the Teaching Excellence Awards 2010/11

The Teaching Excellence Awards (TEA) 2010/11 received a total of 22 eligible nominations from students, programme committees and past TEA winners. Of the 22 nominations received, 14 nominees have submitted their teaching portfolios to proceed with the selection process. The TEA Selection Panel 2010/11 has considered all the teaching portfolios in detail and is very impressed by the commitment of all the nominees to demonstrate very high quality teaching professional practices with sound evidences of their excellent performance. After a very careful and rigorous deliberation on the quality of the teaching portfolios in relation to the 4 selection criteria at its meeting held on 16th February 2011, the Panel shortlisted the following candidates to proceed to the next stage of the selection exercise for TEA 2010/11:

Mr. CHAN Sing Lai (COM)
Dr. FANG Yulin (IS)
Mr. KWOK Kam Hung (CCIV)
Dr. KYAW Yin Hlaing (AIS)
Ms. TSUI Fung Ling, Sara (SLW)
Dr. YAO Shengyu, Mike (COM)

The shortlisted candidates are undifferentiated with no internal ranking. I would like to congratulate these colleagues for being shortlisted and wish them all the best for the remaining stages of the selection exercise. I am also grateful to all staff and students who took the initiative to nominate outstanding teachers. The valuable comments received from heads of department are also appreciated.

The TEA represents concerted efforts of the entire University to promote the culture of quality teaching and learning. I truly believe that everyone participating will benefit from this meaningful exercise.

I shall update you the result of the final selection of the TEA in mid-April 2011.

Professor Lilian Vrijmoed
TEA Selection Panel 2010/11


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