Archive for November, 2011

Since the launch of the Alumni Ambassador Scheme (AAS) in 2003, over 1,400 alumni have joined up and exemplified the “Caring by Serving” spirit by providing voluntary services to their Alma Mater.

In this issue we continue to recognise these dedicated volunteers through our Alumni Ambassadors’ Stories Collection. Tune in to the personal videos of Ambassadors Joseph Tsoi, Maxine Yao and Michael Ma to learn of their impressive voluntary service experiences.

It’s been a year since the Convocation set up its Convocation Facebook Fan Page, and it continues to grow. The Page has become a virtual hub where fellow alumni, whether they are in Hong Kong or further afield, can stay connected with the Convocation, read about upcoming events and learn the latest news about the University and Convocation. You can also relive the joyful moments of Convocation activities in the photo album, and maybe you can even find your former classmates in our photos! For those who are eco-conscious, don’t forget to share your green tips across the alumni community through our Fan Page.  If you still haven’t joined us yet, act NOW.  We hope you will “LIKE” it!

Come join Convocation AGM on 1 December

Monday, November 28th, 2011

Alumni are cordially invited to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Convocation being held on Thursday 1 December 2011 at 7:30pm in Wei Hing Theatre. This is your opportunity to learn about the Convocation’s achievements over the past year. You can also meet with the 2nd Standing Committee and the designate members of the Third Standing Committee. Check out the details of the AGM HERE.

What is Convocation?

The University Convocation, which comprises all graduates of the University, is a statutory body formed in accordance with the University Ordinance (Statute 10) aiming to strengthen and promote the relationships among members of the Convocation, between the Convocation and the University, and between the University and the general public. It works towards promoting the objectives and activities of the University.

The Chairman and Standing Committee members of the Convocation are elected by and from the members of the Convocation.

Please contact us through the Convocation Secretariat with contacts as follows:

Applications for admission to CityU undergraduate programmes in 2012 are now open. Click here for programme details and online applications.

The Department of Mathematics (MA) is inviting applications for September 2012 admission to its MSc in Mathematics for Finance and Actuarial Science programme (Programme Code P62).  Please visit here for programme and application details.

以電影為喉舌 為社會發聲

Thursday, November 24th, 2011
盧鎮業 (創意媒體榮譽文學士2011)

eNet112-01認識小野(盧鎮業) 是於由麥曦茵執導的港台單元劇《幸福的旁邊》,於劇中飾演男主角的他演得入木三分,在youtube好評如潮。



小野本身留意社會政治,喜歡以寫實的社會運動及政治事件如六四事件、2008年立法會選舉、菜園村護村、反預算案遊行以及最近的「佔領中環」行動等為題材。他的短片作品《春夏之交》及《那年.春夏之後》,曾於本港多個獨立電影活動中放映。而他參與創作的幾部短片作品都成績斐然。例如:《打還打,唔好打頭》為第三十四屆香港國際電影節參展;《春夏之交》榮獲第十六屆香港獨立短片及錄像比賽公開組銀獎;《那年 . 春夏之後》為香港獨立電影節2010參展作品另外,他又與創作團隊蘇波榮憑《蘇榮的小電影》參展台灣金甘蔗影展,並榮獲最佳男演員獎。看來,小野除了是個有潛質的導演,在演戲方面的才華也獲得認同。







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