Archive for December, 2012

Celebration dinner of EngD graduates (24 Nov)

Friday, December 28th, 2012

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The Engineering Doctorate (EngD) Society celebrated the graduation of nine EngD students at a dinner held on 24 November 2012. The event attracted some 90 EngD alumni, professors from the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, and other friends. CityU Council Chairman Herman Wu (left, first row fourth from left) and Associate Vice-President (Alumni Relations) Kathy Chan (left, second row first left) added their congratulations to the graduates. Guest speaker Deputy Chairman of the CityU Eminence Society Simon Hui (right, on right) shared his story as a successful entrepreneur.

ARO shares notes with non-local counterparts

Friday, December 28th, 2012

From time to time, ARO is delighted to welcome and exchange experiences with counterparts visiting the campus from universities outside Hong Kong. Our latest guests came from the Antai College of Economics & Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University on 22 November, and Shanghai Normal University on 28 November in 2012. We are pleased to note that they were impressed by the mature and multi-faceted development of CityU’s alumni services.


Associate Vice-President (Alumni Relations) Kathy Chan (second from right) receives guests from Shanghai Normal University.

Calling for alumni in Guangzhou and Shanghai

Friday, December 28th, 2012

ARO has tentatively scheduled alumni reunions in Guangzhou on Saturday 23 March around noon and in Shanghai on Saturday 18 May evening in 2013. So if you’re located in either city, please mark your diary now and encourage fellow alumni to do the same! Enrolment details will be available later at ARO homepage and through other alumni communication channels. If you are interested in helping to strengthen your local alumni network, we would love to hear from you at (Pheony Tsang at +852 3442 6193).

The Department of Mathematics (MA) is inviting applications for September 2013 admission to our MSc in Mathematics for Finance and Actuarial Science (P62) programme. Please visit for programme and application details.

The Annual General Meeting 2012 of CityU Convocation was held on 12 December 2012. The Standing Committee of the CityU Convocation hopes the meeting has enhanced members’ understanding of the Convocation. To retrieve the joyful moments of the event, please view the online photo gallery.

Please stay tuned with the updates of the Convocation on its homepage and Facebook. Look forward to seeing you in upcoming activities.

We wish you a joyful and prosperous New Year!


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