Archive for July, 2011

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A warm welcome to the class of 2011 for joining our alumni family of over 100,000 members! It’s time for a new chapter of your life and Alumni Relations Office (ARO) wishes you all the best in your endeavours ahead. To celebrate your accomplishment and ensure your strong tie with the alma mater will keep growing, we are here for you. Check out the website of Congregation Services to learn more about our alumni activities, services and exclusive offers available to 2011 graduates. Stay involved, stay in touch!

Convocation News- At Your Service

Friday, July 29th, 2011


Sun Sun Sun


Joe Lee, Vice Chairman
BSc (Hons) Applied Biology (1999)
Assistant Assignment Editor, Editorial Dept
Hong Kong Economic Journal Company Ltd

There is similarity between Joe’s current job and his voluntary work as a student leader. More than 10 years ago, he served as the Council Chairman of the Students’ Union with responsibility for monitoring the expenditure of the student body. Now a financial journalist, he is a watchdog of the government, monitoring society’s financial well-being.

Joining the Standing Committee is like a refreshing respite for him that he can work together with his old friends to contribute to the alma mater with more insightful perspective. He also enjoys sharing his work experience with younger alumni.

Although majoring in Biology, Joe found his true calling in the media industry as he was fascinated by its vibrant working environment. He says young people, when pursuing their career, shouldn’t be confined by what they studied at school. They should be bold to explore and follow their hearts.

For students who want to pursue journalism, Joe advises them to ask themselves whether they are ready to take the great responsibility of protecting society’s interests and if they have strong commitment to the specific areas they follow.

Although he might not be able to apply what he learnt from Biology class to his work, the communication skills and outgoing personality that he developed while serving the Students’ Union are definitely important in his career.

Florence Ng, Standing Committee Member
BBA (Hons) Accountancy (1999)

Residing in Beijing since 2007 with her husband Timothy who is also a CityU graduate, Florence’s tie with the University has not ceased. Apart from having gatherings with fellow alumni stationing in Beijing, the couple are also enthusiastic in helping those who newly arrive the capital city to settle in the new environment, from networking to understand its culture.

With the growing alumni community in the mainland, Florence is eager to get involved to strengthen the alumni network for the betterment of the University development. She said new media such as “weibo” could be a useful tool to connect alumni in the mainland.

Her senses of pride and belonging to the alma mater developed in the schooldays through joining the extracurricular activities of the Students’ Union. The voluntary work enriched her campus life.
One of the most impressive experiences was the protest that she joined with a group of local University students to fight for a place to settle the Pillar of Shame after the vigil on the night of 4 June in 1997. After a long time negotiation until 3am, they succeeded in moving the 2-tonne statue into the podium of the University of Hong Kong.

She said students, despite their busy school work, should take the opportunities to explore in community work to maintain an all-round development.

In her spare time, Florence also engages in voluntary work in Beijing. For example, she joined with some keen animal lovers to take care of stray and abandoned dogs.

Patrick Lee, Member (Immediate Past Chairman)
BSc (Hons) Information Technology (1991)
PGC Counselling (2006)

Patrick’s passion for serving the University was ignited eight years after his graduation when he joined an exchange camp with alumni and students to celebrate the University’s 15th anniversary. He enjoyed sharing his experiences with the youngsters and realised the importance of alumni to the University. Since then, he has become active in alumni work. Patrick joined the CityU Alumni Association and served as its Chairman from 2002 to 2007, meeting many like-minded and devoted alumni.

In 2005, Patrick and 20 experienced and enthusiastic alumni leaders joined the Organising Committee of the Convocation and was a member of the Provisional Standing Committee. Both committees helped to lay the foundation of the Convocation with the mission to forge communication links among alumni and between alumni and the University. In 2007, Patrick was elected as the Chairman of the First Standing Committee and he led his comrades to organise a wide range of activities. Through the various alumni activities, he got the chance to mingle with youngsters and understand their thoughts.

Apart from serving the University, Patrick is also an active volunteer in community services and has been Chairman of Raleigh International Hong Kong, a charity which aims to develop young people by improving their self-confidence and teamwork.

What is Convocation?

The University Convocation, which comprises all graduates of the University, is a statutory body formed in accordance with the University Ordinance (Statute 10) aiming to strengthen and promote the relationships among members of the Convocation, between the Convocation and the University, and between the University and the general public. It works towards promoting the objectives and activities of the University.

The Chairman and Standing Committee members of the Convocation are elected by and from the members of the Convocation.

Please contact us through the Convocation Secretariat with contacts as follows:

Since the launch of the Alumni Ambassador Scheme (AAS) in 2003, over 1,400 alumni have joined up and exemplified the “Caring by Serving” spirit by providing voluntary services to their Alma Mater. Some have shared their impressive voluntary experience with us through the Alumni Ambassadors’ Stories Collection launched by ARO in April. From this issue onwards, we’ll feature a selection of these videoed reports in eAlumNet to acknowledge their valuable contributions. To hear what our Alumni Ambassadors Andrew Fan (Alumni Ambassador of Greater China), Connie Au-Yeung (Class Liaison Ambassador 2009) and JC Yang Yang (IS Mentor) have to say, tune in.


CityU alumni are welcome to join the talk on “Reliability and Survivability: Nuclear Energy and the Future of Energy” (可靠度與存活性:核能及未來能源) to be held on 30 August 2011 (Tuesday) by Tsinghua Alumni Association of Hong Kong. Professor Way Kuo, CityU President and University Distinguished Professor, will be the keynote speaker of the talk. Registration deadline is 25 August 2011. Please visit HERE for further registration details.

The City University Choir is recruiting members and alumni of good voice are most welcome! Auditions take place from 1 to 3 August. More details here.

Photo in Annual Performance 2011

More than 100 alumni, students and guests got tips on how to nurture social responsibility among University graduates when they attended a conference entitled “天下為公,教育為本” held on 25 July in celebration of the centenary of the 1911 Revolution (辛亥革命). Organized by the Hong Kong (City University) Association of Mainland Graduates, the Conference featured talks presented by Professor Way Kuo, President and University Distinguished Professor and representatives from other educational sectors. View the photo gallery HERE.



eNet108-4We congratulate the alumni and other University members who won awards or have been appointed Justices of the Peace in this year’s HKSAR Chief Executive Honours List. Go here for details.

Mr Andrew Fan, Distinguished Alumni and Alumni Ambassador of Greater China, has helped enrich the learning experience of a group of EMBA students during their study tour in Shanghai. As President of Greater China Region of Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc., he arranged for the students to visit the laboratory and plant of the company’s Shanghai Branch Office on 28 July, followed by a networking gathering at his residence. Mr Bobby Liu, representative of EMBA class, commends highly the rewarding experiences and is impressed by how CityU students could be benefited from the well-developed non-local alumni networks of the University.

四格漫畫 笑看人間

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011
江康泉 (2005年媒體設計及科技藝術碩士)



cover (4)古諺有云:「三歲定八十」。童年時的江記已對漫畫書愛不釋手。他很喜歡看卡通片,當中包括膾炙人口、風靡亞洲的《叮噹》。在潛移默化下,他早就憧憬以繪畫作為他的終身事業。長大以後,江記在大學修讀藝術系,學習以不同藝術形式創作。畢業後第一份工作是當宣傳橫額設計員,後來為了籌備個人藝術展覽而離職。不久,他便開始自由漫畫家生涯,發表了以描繪日常生活瘋狂面的黑色城市童話《瑕疵鞋》。sample_03 (4)


江記一直專注漫畫創作:「我認為要辦好一件事,一定要專心致志、心無旁騖。如果什麼都只是蜻蜓點水,就不能精益求精、有獨當一面的成就。」 江記曾聯同智海合作出版了兩冊《漫畫香港文學 — 大騎劫》,他沿用原著情節闡發新意念,以漫畫形式來表達文學作品,推動圖文實驗交流,在文壇引起了廣泛注意。當談及迄今最深刻的創作,他笑言:「那當然是剛剛出版的漫畫《Pandaman 2: 頹城花火 》。」該漫畫背景設於 2020年的香港,主角化身為 Pandaman對抗社會的不公,以諷諭今日的病態都市。而江記也頗趕上時代步伐,他的人氣漫畫《飯氣劇場》已推出了電子書,可於各大手機電子平台下載瀏覽:「現今的科技將人與人之間的距離拉近,讓我可以與讀者作更多的互動。」




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