Archive for December, 2011

U3453_Banking History_artworkCity University of Hong Kong Press has recently published the publication, The Development History of Modern China’s Banking Industry (in Chinese) 《中國銀行業發展史—由晚清至當下》. This book has 8 chapters in total, aims to find out the origin and the development of China’s banking industry from different aspects.  Please check out the website ( of CityU Press for more information of this book.

The two authors are CityU alumni, Dr. Alex M.C. AU (EMBA 2005) and Dr. Norman M.W. Law (MSc in Finance 1995), they had been working in the banking industry for more than 30 years. They gathered their valuable experiences and some historical information to write this book. They hope the readers can have a deeper understanding towards the banking industry as well as to bring some new inspirations to those who are working at banking industry.

CityU Press is now happy to offer the special price for all the CityU Alumni to purchase this publication till 29 February 2012. The original price is HK$120 per copy, and the special offer is HK$95 per copy. Please take this opportunity to fill in the order form to place your order.

Convocation News (Dec)

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

20111226 - newyear

Thank you for your support and wish you a prosperous 2012

The tenure of the Second Standing Committee of CityU Convocation draws to a close at the end of 2011. On behalf of the Standing Committee members, I would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude for your support over the past two years.

It has been our honour to serve the Alma Mater from 2010 to 2011. From a young establishment, the Convocation has been growing steadily with the support of University members, especially fellow alumni who actively participated at Convocation projects and offered us valuable feedback.

We hope you would extend your ongoing support to the Third Standing Committee which will serve the Convocation from 1 January 2012 onwards.

Wish you a happy and prosperous New Year!

Best regards,

Karmen Chan
Convocation Chairman

AGM 2012

Thanks for joining the Convocation AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the CityU Convocation was held successfully on 1 December 2011 and Standing Committee members would like to thank members for joining the event. During the meeting, the Convocation Chairman highlighted accomplishments of the Convocation in 2011 and introduced the elected Third Standing Committee members. To retrieve the special moments, please see the photo gallery.

Membership of Third Standing Committee (2012 – 2013)

Chairman Ms CHAN Ka Man, Karmen 陳嘉雯
Higher Diploma in Translation and Interpretation (1997)
Vice-Chairmen Mr KHOO Wun Fat, William 丘煥法
Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (2007)
Bachelor of Laws (2006)
Mr KWOK Chun Ming, Louis 郭俊明
Master of Arts in Global Business Management (2010)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Business Economics (1999)
Mr LAU Koong Yep, Clovis 劉冠業
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Quantitative Analysis for Business (1999)
Mr LUI Chi Wang, Robert Andrew 呂志宏
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Finance (2000)
(Last preceding Chairman)
Mr LEE Chung Wah, Patrick 李仲華
PGC Counseling (2006)
BSc (Hons) Information Technology (1991)
Other Members Mr CHENG Cheuk Him, Cedric 鄭卓謙
Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (2011)
Bachelor of Laws (2010)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Finance (2006)
Mr HO Kai Pong, Gabriel 何啟邦
Master of Social Sciences in Social Work (2011)
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Social Work (2010)
Ms HUEN Wing Sze, Wincy 禤詠詩
Higher Diploma in Business Studies (2002)
Mr KONG Cho On, James 江祖安
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronic Engineering (2002)
Mr LAU Tsz Chun, Eddie 劉子俊
ASocSc Public Administration and Management (2004)
Ms LAW Man Yin 羅敏妍
Bachelor Degree of Business Administration (Business Economics) (2011)
Mr LEE Yiu Fai, Bruce 李耀輝
Master of Business Administration (2011)
Mr WONG Chi Yeung, Douglas 黃志揚
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Management Science (2008)
Ms YIP Hoi Shan, Esther 葉藹珊
Bachelor Degree of Business Administration, Economic and Finance (1999)


What is Convocation?

The University Convocation, which comprises all graduates of the University, is a statutory body formed in accordance with the University Ordinance (Statute 10) aiming to strengthen and promote the relationships among members of the Convocation, between the Convocation and the University, and between the University and the general public. It works towards promoting the objectives and activities of the University.

The Chairman and Standing Committee members of the Convocation are elected by and from the members of the Convocation.

Please contact us through the Convocation Secretariat with contacts as follows:

Council Meeting Reports

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011


Wednesday, December 28th, 2011


很多人都認為Jessey 的風格較抒懷,表現細膩情感,充滿藝術氣質。她就這樣自我評價:「我視自己為一個life maker,在影像中反映生活,很多時我的創作都從我周遭的環境、身邊的人物或自己的故事順手拈來加以發揮,跟我的成長及生活非常接近,比較隨心。而整體的節奏是偏向緩慢,才會予人一種非主流或文藝的感覺。」她又道:「電影是有關生命的,所以每個經歷、修為都可以用於創作之上。」

說Jessey 是個電影人,不如說她是藝術家來得更貼切。關於她與電影的不解緣,Jessey娓娓道來:「我曾於香港演藝學院修讀電影電視系,主修音響設計。」她指出,沒有選擇當混音師,是因為自己真的很想說故事。「畢業後,我在藝術中心當了節目統籌兩年。然後我報讀了城大的媒體設計與科技碩士課程。這個課程關注媒體的發展,用媒體看世界,進一步的擴闊了我對視覺藝術、媒體的認知,同時也確定了我投身電影藝術創作的事業方向。」兩年的城大生活,帶給了她美好的回憶,也讓她認識了不少良師益友,如葉旭耀、羅海德,黎肖嫻、傅思儉老師等。直至最近,她在創作上也有跟創意媒體的老師如許雅舒等合作。「不少創意媒體的學生也在我的電影《大藍湖》當實習,協助製作。」

除了醉心電影,她也喜歡攝影及其他形式的媒體創作。她說:「我的創作世界可以很實驗。」Jessey 說她比較專注單一頻道或短片創作,那是因為電影是團隊協作,而她喜歡跟人溝通,正合她的個性。「電影的製作過程蠻辛苦的,很多時都是自己一手一腳包辦。如《大藍湖》的規模是我的眾多作品中最大的,其模式與商業片幾乎無異。它是由香港藝術發展局資助,我再向其他機構尋找拍攝資本。不過,透過電影帶出自己想表達的訊息,感覺很滿足。而當知道觀眾有共鳴時,我亦很感動。」



Since the launch of the Alumni Ambassador Scheme (AAS) in 2003, over 1,400 alumni have joined up and exemplified the “Caring by Serving” spirit by providing voluntary services to their Alma Mater.

In this issue we continue to recognise these dedicated volunteers through our Alumni Ambassadors’ Stories Collection. Tune in to the personal videos of Ambassadors, Sam Kung and Chris Cheung to learn of their impressive voluntary service experiences.

CityU Choir perform Christmas carols (23 Dec)

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

IMG_8991To share the joy of Christmas, CityU Choir performed some of the best loved Christmas carols at Festival Walk on 23 December 2011. The choir members included Alumni Ambassador, Dominic Lai together with 5 other alumni and 13 student members. Their enchanting singing was appreciated by audiences in the shopping mall. The CityU Choir, comprises students and alumni who are bonded by their shared experiences in the choir and their passion for singing.

Proposed City University Social Work Alumni Association (CityUSWAA)

Further to our two-year’s discussion with alumni and teachers of the Department of Applied Social Studies (SS), the Division of Social Studies of Community College of City University (DSS) and with the assistance of Alumni Relations Office (ARO), the draft constitution of the proposed Social Work Alumni Association has just been completed.  In order to facilitate the registration requirements, we are now circulating the draft constitution through existing communication network through e-mail as registered in SS, DSS and ARO.

The membership of the proposed CityUSWAA will cover ALL the social work graduates (from diploma, associate, bachelor to postgraduate degrees) in the then City Polytechnic of Hong Kong and City University of Hong Kong.

The tentative closing date for circulation and receiving comments is 21 January 2012 (before Chinese New Year).  The preparation committee will collate all the comments and put up the constitution into registration under Society Ordinance.  It is estimated that the registration will be completed by April to May 2012.

Most social work alumni will receive the draft constitution shortly from your home Department / Division.  If your name was missed in the contact lists and you are still interested in joining the preparation work of the proposed Social Work Alumni Association, please contact the Preparation Committee for the Social Work Alumni Association at e-mail


Eminence Society organised a private dinner entitled Eminence Café on 7 December where participants freely expressed their views and shared insider news of their professions.  Executive Committee member and former news anchor Mr Li Chan-wing was the facilitator of the sharing. Participants included renowned CityU Associate Professor Dr Chan Yan-chong and famous finance commentator Ms Agnes Wu Mang-ching.  Eminence Café was highly rated by all the diners. Retrieve the joyful moments here.

Join the Shenzhen and Australia Reunions

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011


Alumni are invited to join us to welcome in the Chinese New Year at Shenzhen Alumni Reunion on 18 February 2012 (Saturday, 6:30 pm) at The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen. Themed as “In Celebration of the Year of the Dragon”, the fun-filled reunion will feature an array of colourful highlights including the presence of University President Professor Way Kuo who will share some exciting prospects of the University. There will also be a talent show, interactive games, lucky draw and “Best Dressed Contest”. Seats are limited, and to enjoy the early bird rate, REGISTER now.

For those who are further afield in Australia, don’t miss our reunions at Brisbane and Sydney on 23 and 25 February 2012 respectively.  These are special occasions where alumni can expand networks, learn updates of University’s development and meet with CityU exchange students.  Alumni and their family members are welcome to join.  Check out the details HERE.


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