
Alumni are invited to join us to welcome in the Chinese New Year at Shenzhen Alumni Reunion on 18 February 2012 (Saturday, 6:30 pm) at The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen. Themed as “In Celebration of the Year of the Dragon”, the fun-filled reunion will feature an array of colourful highlights including the presence of University President Professor Way Kuo who will share some exciting prospects of the University. There will also be a talent show, interactive games, lucky draw and “Best Dressed Contest”. Seats are limited, and to enjoy the early bird rate, REGISTER now.

For those who are further afield in Australia, don’t miss our reunions at Brisbane and Sydney on 23 and 25 February 2012 respectively.  These are special occasions where alumni can expand networks, learn updates of University’s development and meet with CityU exchange students.  Alumni and their family members are welcome to join.  Check out the details HERE.

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