Archive for January, 2012

Seats are filling fast for the Shenzhen Alumni Reunion to be held on Saturday 18 February (6:30pm) at The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen!  We have received an overwhelming response from alumni in the Shenzhen region as well as in Hong Kong. So please hurry up to capture the very limited seats available.

Everyone attending is encouraged to start planning what you intend to wear to best fit with the event theme – “In Celebration of the Year of the Dragon”. This will give you the opportunity to win a commemorative pure gold dragon figurine in the “Best Dressed Contest”. So do dress up!

Let’s enjoy a programme full of colourful highlights and excitement! For event details and registration, please click here.

New column unveils creativity of alumni

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

Throughout the years, CityU has been a cradle for talents across a diverse range of disciplines. From this issue onwards, your monthly e-newsletter will feature a new column called 輕描淡寫 to showcase the talents and versatility of CityU alumni. Such works include photography, writings and comics that express creativity, appreciation for humanities and observation of daily life. We hope the creations of each talented alumnus, whose works will be featured in three consecutive issues, will strike a chord among readers and inspire us to see things from a refreshing perspective amid the hustle and bustle of city life. Check out the photography from Joseph Tsoi (BA (Hons) Business Studies (1994)) in this new column.


City AlumNet 2012, our annual alumni magazine, features on “Towards a Liveable Future: Safer, Cleaner and Healthier” which shares how CityU is contributing to a more sustainable future through campus-wide campaigns, innovative research and professional education. Significant coverage is also given to University highlights and achievements, alumni activities strengthening alumni bonding, and alumni stories sharing their unique CityU experience and professional pursuits. More and more alumni are contributing to the University through the “Alumni Ambassador Scheme” and “Alumni Giving Club”. Read the related articles on p.16 and p.20 respectively to share their joy of voluntary services and enthusiasm.

The magazine lists the upcoming alumni events and programmes tailor-made for you in 2012. You are invited to enter a quiz for “CityU Homecoming Gala 2012” HERE on or before 1 March 2012. The first TWENTY alumni entrants to answer the question in the quiz correctly will win a travel kit (adaptor & luggage tag) designed by ARO. Act fast to win the gifts and do save the date of the upcoming Homecoming Gala!

EMBA wins Capital CEO Supreme Brand Award 2011

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

The Capital CEO magazine has awarded the CityU EMBA Programme with its Supreme Brand Award 2011 for excellence in brand development. Check out the details here.


This is a very practical programme for professionals in the field of law, banking and financial services. More details here.


Following the success of the last Gala held in 2010, the Alumni Relations Office (ARO) is striving to ensure the upcoming CityU Homecoming Gala 2012 is even bigger and better with more alumni involvement. Enthusiastic alumni leaders including Convocation Standing Committee members, alumni association leaders and individual alumni think tanks gathered on 15 December 2011 for a brainstorming session organized by ARO about this signature event.

ARO will form an organising committee for kicking off the preparation of the event.  You are encouraged to read the event calendar in the latest issue of City AlumNet, enter a quiz about “CityU Homecoming Gala 2012” and win ARO special souvenirs! Details can be found here.

情繫動影像 共築夢工場

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

崔嘉曦 (BA Creative Media 2008) 陳兆忠(BA Creative Media 2008) 何家豪(BA Creative Media 2009)

崔嘉曦 (Haze)、陳兆忠 (Benny)、何家豪都是城市大學創意媒體系(SCM)的畢業生,雖來自不同年級,卻惺惺相惜,以自家製作團隊Zcratch作為平台,發揮自己的創意。「SCM像個獨特社群,不同年、不同專業的同學,也會互相認識的。」

Haze熱愛電影,他早於大學一年2006年成立製作團隊Zcratch,與其他志同道合的朋友,將天馬行空的想法化為具體的創作成果。他才畢業三年,已屢獲嘉許,如:2005 年憑動畫作品《Kill AL》首獲第十屆香港獨立短片及錄像比賽(ifva)動畫組特別表揚獎。翌年作品《識你老鼠》衝出香港,勇奪日本「第八屆DigiCon 6+2 獎」及「東京國際映畫祭頒發細田守獎勵賞」。2008 年作品《森.願》,更為他帶來多項殊榮,包括:日本TBS 頒發第十屆DigiCon6獎,和香港資訊及通訊科技獎2008:最佳數碼娛樂獎等。


(左起) 陳兆忠、何家豪及崔嘉曦 ,以Zcratch製作團隊為平台,延續創作夢想。

由香港藝術中心主辦的ifva是本地影像媒體的創作搖籃,歷年來造就不少舉足輕重的電影及媒體創作人。而Zcratch 以參加ifva比賽去發表自己的作品,與更多知音人分享。問及四度獲頒ifva動畫組獎項的Haze為何對動畫情有獨鍾,他笑說:「其實我對所有影畫、錄像都有濃厚興趣,不過與其他類型的影片相比,暫時就以動畫最能準確演繹我想表達的東西。」他又補充說:「動畫這詞不盡不實,常令人有種錯覺,是指卡通片。其實動畫是使一個圖像靈魂化。香港的動畫發展仍在起步階段,尚未蔚然成風,稍具代表性的寥寥可數。我希望自己可以在這方面繼續努力,創作出具代表性的作品,甚至能進軍國際市場。」


家豪、Haze及Benny志趣相投。家豪最近剛加入Zcratch,希望能與Haze及Benny擦出火花,把創意發揮,在行業內綻放光芒。2011年家豪與Zcratch憑 《胡同鏡子》(Puff the Magic Dragon) 奪得ifva動畫組銀獎、德國漢諾威國際影片節 up-and-coming 2011比賽榮譽獎,此短片又於台灣、韓國、俄羅斯等多個國際短片及動畫節中上映。醉心動畫的家豪表示,當他到其他國家參加影展時,發現他們很尊重動畫師。本年2月3 日家豪將遠赴印度,參加「孟買國際電影節」(Mumbai International Film Festival)。他珍惜與業內專業人士的交流:「每次參與這些影展或比賽,都能擴闊視野和認識更多新朋友,裨益不少!」

最近Zcratch剛完成由ifva 策劃的7-Eleven委約動畫計劃將7-Eleven 建於一漁船酒吧上,營造浪漫的情調氛圍,讓人感受到截然不同的7-Eleven。



家豪(右一)與Haze(右二) 一起出席漢諾威的 up-and-coming International Film Festival Hannover 2011與世界各地優秀的電影製作人交流,還奪得首個歐洲獎項。


Zcratch 為7-Eleven製作的動畫短片”Taste the Life”.

Convocation Chinese New Year 2012

On behalf of the Third Standing Committee which has recently come on board, I would like to wish you and your family a prosperous Year of the Dragon full of peace, good health and fulfilment!

In this festive season of hope and refreshing start, we are gearing up to serve on the Convocation and your support is our driving force. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Karmen Chan
Convocation Chairman


What is Convocation?

The University Convocation, which comprises all graduates of the University, is a statutory body formed in accordance with the University Ordinance (Statute 10) aiming to strengthen and promote the relationships among members of the Convocation, between the Convocation and the University, and between the University and the general public. It works towards promoting the objectives and activities of the University.

The Chairman and Standing Committee members of the Convocation are elected by and from the members of the Convocation.

Please contact us through the Convocation Secretariat with contacts as follows:

If you would like to join the HKSAR government as an Executive Officer, don’t miss the upcoming alumni sharing session. This is a precious opportunity to learn more about the work nature and career prospect of the discipline, and most importantly the personal experience in preparing for the vigorous recruitment process. Details of the session are as follows:

Date :    8 February, 2012

Time:   7:00p,m – 9.00pm

Venue:  LT-6, Academic 1

For registration, please send email to with your name, student number and contact telephone number on or before 5 Feb 2012.



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