
City AlumNet 2012, our annual alumni magazine, features on “Towards a Liveable Future: Safer, Cleaner and Healthier” which shares how CityU is contributing to a more sustainable future through campus-wide campaigns, innovative research and professional education. Significant coverage is also given to University highlights and achievements, alumni activities strengthening alumni bonding, and alumni stories sharing their unique CityU experience and professional pursuits. More and more alumni are contributing to the University through the “Alumni Ambassador Scheme” and “Alumni Giving Club”. Read the related articles on p.16 and p.20 respectively to share their joy of voluntary services and enthusiasm.

The magazine lists the upcoming alumni events and programmes tailor-made for you in 2012. You are invited to enter a quiz for “CityU Homecoming Gala 2012” HERE on or before 1 March 2012. The first TWENTY alumni entrants to answer the question in the quiz correctly will win a travel kit (adaptor & luggage tag) designed by ARO. Act fast to win the gifts and do save the date of the upcoming Homecoming Gala!

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