Dear Convocation members,

We are very pleased to announce that the Convocation has established a presence on Facebook so as to provide a platform for networking, idea exchange, information sharing and activity updates among the members and associations of the CityU community. Click here to join us now.

In our efforts to strengthen the bond within the alumni community and identify opportunities for collaborative activities, we are planning to liaise with various alumni associations and recruiting volunteers to work side by side with us in our future endeavours. If you are interested in volunteering, please do not hesitate to contact our Standing Committee member Iris Lam. Your participation will be greatly appreciated and we look forward to working with all of you.

Karmen Chan

Chairman of the Convocation

The Community Chest is thankful to the contribution dedicated by the First Standing Committee last year. On behalf of the Convocation, Second Standing Committee member Allen Ho (centre, pictured with Stanley Yeung, left, and Anson Chan of the Flag Day Organising Committee) received a certificate at the Community Chest Flag Day Cheque and Award Presentation Ceremony on 14 April.

Second Standing Committee members Patrick Lee and Richard Yen (4th right front row and 1st left second row) participated in the Marathon Reunion Dinner of the University on 10 April.

Convocation Chairman Karmen Chan (right) shared the joyful moment with the winners after presenting their medals at the CityU Alumni Regatta 2010 on 28 March.

Students’ Union President Alfred Chan with the Convocation Chairman at the Inauguration of the new CityUSU committee on 26 March.

What is Convocation?

The University Convocation, which comprises all graduates of the University, is a statutory body formed in accordance with the University Ordinance (Statute 10) aiming to strengthen and promote the relationships among members of the Convocation, between the Convocation and the University, and between the University and the general public. It works towards promoting the objectives and activities of the University.

The Chairman and Standing Committee members of the Convocation are elected by and from the members of the Convocation.

Please contact us through the Convocation Secretariat with contacts as follows:

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