Alumni in Conversation
to the future

Young alumni share how CityU shaped their career goals.

Hugo Chan

BEng (Hons) Mechatronic Engineering
Co-founder, Albacastor Technology Limited

Reaching out with robotics

Following graduation from the Department of Mechatronic Engineering in 2018, Mr Hugo Chan has pursued his goal to use innovation to assist people, a life direction inspired after participation in the Enhancing Youth Empathy Project through Immersive Visualisation, led by CityU and sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.

Along with four other classmates, he designed a multifunctional, transformable wheelchair as part of the project, being well aware of the need as his own grandfather had been immobilised since the amputation of one leg. The innovative machine that resulted not only raises the height of the wheelchair seat but can also extend horizontally to ease transfers to a bed or vehicle. The team’s invention won the Romanian Inventors Forum Special Award in the finals of the International Invention Innovation Competition in Canada (iCAN) in 2018.

Now Hugo, together with fellow alumni Mr Peter Cheung and Mr Henry Lam, have founded Albacastor Technology Limited to extend their award-winning technology design to broader applications. The company’s first product is HORIZON, a cutting-edge resident transfer robot for care homes to assist with bed moves and reduce manpower needs.

Hugo is particularly grateful for the advice provided by CityU’s Centre for Robotics and Automation as well as sponsorship from the University’s Student Early Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (SEEDS), with both significantly accelerating the product development process.

HORIZON, a smart patient transfer robot based on concepts conceived for a transformable wheelchair that extends horizontally.

Advanced robotics offer an innovative way to meet the needs of an ageing society by assisting healthcare systems and residential institutions improve the quality of nursing services.

變形輪椅獻祖父     憑獲獎設計創業

陳子龍2018年畢業於城大機電一體化工程學,為了實現夢想,當年跟四位同學參加了由城大領導、香港賽馬會慈善信託基金資助的「賽馬會『見.同理』計劃」,為與他年幼同住、因糖尿病截肢而行動不便的祖父,成功設計了一張多功能的「變形輪椅」,並於2018年加拿大 i CAN國際創新發明大賽總決賽中贏得「羅馬尼亞投資者論壇特別獎」。現時他跟曾參與研發的兩位校友張永康及林華盛,成立了初創團隊「艾柏輪科技有限公司」,研發嶄新的「智能過床機械人HORIZON」,把獲獎的技術原理運用到更廣闊的應用層面


Entrepreneur Hugo (centre) and alumni business partners Peter (right) and Henry (left).


Christina Koshy

BSocSc Psychology

Helping others through clinical psychology

New psychology graduate Ms Christina Koshy recently completed a challenging joint bachelor’s degree at CityU's Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences and Columbia University in the US. The programme requires students to study for two years at each institution, with Christina receiving a series of scholarships in recognition of her academic excellence.

During her student days at CityU, Christina also served as an ambassador on the City-Youth Empowerment Project, where she helped to organise events for disadvantaged sectors of the community, such as low-income families and students with special needs. In her first year with the project, Christina took part in an international service learning programme to a monastic school in Myanmar, where she met a group of local volunteers who were dedicated to helping the poor.

This life-changing experience inspired her to use psychology to give back to society in the future.

Christina also interned at United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service in her third year, where she learned about providing essential healthcare for local minorities and migrants, and observed mental healthcare for children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), all of which she found profoundly enriching. Her mind is now set on pursuing further study in clinical psychology so that she can apply her professional knowledge to help other people and give back to society.

Christina Koshy (third right) received several scholarships at CityU, alleviating financial concerns and enabling her to concentrate on her studies.

CityU gave me the opportunity to study psychology from a variety of perspectives. At the same time, it provided important inspiration in planning my career.

奮發攻讀心理學   矢志成為臨床專家

主修心理學的Christina Koshy修讀由城大社會及行為科學系與美國哥倫比亞大學合辦的雙聯學士心理學學位課程,在課程的設計及要求下,分別在兩所大學修讀了兩年,並憑著優異的學業成績,獲頒授多項獎學金。剛畢業的她期望日後成為一位臨床心理學家


Christina was invited to join the School of General Studies’ Honor Society at Columbia University in recognition of her exceptional academic achievements.


Wong Chun-shen

BSc Computational Finance
Quantitative Trader, XY Capital Limited
XY Capital Limited



Dynamic route to the world of fintech

To Malaysian alumnus Mr Wong Chun-shen, who graduated in 2020 from the College of Business, the rigorous nature of his Computational Finance degree provided just the right combination of knowledge and skills in finance, mathematics, and statistics to lay a solid foundation for his future fintech career and professional development.

In addition to his studies, Chun-shen represented CityU for two consecutive years at the University of Toronto's Rotman International Trading Competition, which features over 50 of the world's top universities. Under his leadership, the team went on to win second prize in the contest in 2019 and 2020. He also took the opportunity to network with business elites, other outstanding students, and professors from across the globe.

Chun-shen’s exchange programme to Italy’s Bocconi University in Milan proved a further eye-opener. There, he attended lectures hosted by the London Stock Exchange and Goldman Sachs, among others. On graduation, the young high flyer received job offers from local and international firms, ultimately deciding to become a quantitative trader at Hong Kong-based XY Capital, the company where he had previously interned.

Since joining the firm, he has quickly adapted to his role, and has now been assigned the important task of using innovative trading strategies to provide appropriate risk management for long-term capital investments – an indication of the value he and his experiences at CityU are bringing to the fintech world.

Wong Chun-shen speaking at the 2020 graduation ceremony.

CityU provided me with a good learning environment and encouraged me to actively pursue my dream career. I was also equipped with a comprehensive set of financial expertise, and leadership and communication skills, and this has enabled me to manage various tasks and challenges.

投身量化交易    回謝化雨栽培


大學期間黃俊升曾連續兩年代表城大,出戰由加拿大多倫多大學主辦的Rotman International Trading Competition,成功帶領城大在兩屆賽事中擊敗多支勁旅,贏得「全球50所最負盛名大學」亞軍殊榮。在比賽過程中,黃俊升更把握機會,與來自世界各地的商界精英、優秀學生和教授廣結脈絡,至今仍然保持緊密聯繫。


2020年畢業後,黃俊升旋即獲多間本地及海外企業招手,最終選擇加入曾聘請他當實習生的公司 XY Capital,擔任量化交易員一職,並獲公司委以重任,運用創新的交易策略為長期資本投資進行妥善的風險管理

In 2017, Chun-shen was awarded a scholarship by the Hong Kong government’s Education Bureau in recognition of his outstanding academic performance.
2017年,黃俊升獲頒香港特別行政區政府獎學基金轄下的「特定地區獎學金」, 表揚他優秀的學術表現。


Yang Lujia

BSc Computational Finance
Data Analyst, Societe Generale

Outstanding opportunities for outstanding graduate

When 2020 College of Business graduate Ms Yang Lujia initially enrolled at CityU, her remarkable academic capabilities were recognised with a full-tuition undergraduate scholarship under the University’s Mainland Student Scholarship Scheme. She in turn recognised the numerous and diverse opportunities that CityU provided and was determined to make the most of them.

During her studies at CityU, she undertook a fruitful semester-long internship at a bank. In her fourth year, she also attended the College of Business's career fair, where she made contact with Societe Generale, a major French bank in Hong Kong. She now serves as a data analyst at the bank, where she is responsible for assisting different business teams to increase profit and control risk through data analysis and model-building.

Lujia had aspired to study in Hong Kong since her high school days in Shenzhen. After joining CityU, she met people from across the globe. Meanwhile, the fun of dormitory life, volunteering together with roommates, and befriending sick children were among many other experiences that will always remain with Lujia following her unforgettable four years at CityU.

Yang Lujia (first right) during her study tour to Japan.

I am very grateful to CityU for training me to become a finance professional. My Computational Finance courses gave me the skills I needed for my future, and the development of practical communicative and collaborative abilities are exactly what I need in my job.

計算金融菁英   躋數據分析行列



Yang Lujia’s internship at a bank helped her join the finance industry after graduation.


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